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Ariadna Rousaud
27 julio 2011

All the Delta Awards 2011: Gold to the Lékué silicon bowl designed by Compeixalaigua.

It’s the tricky thing about design: sometimes making it simple is the hardest thing. So this year, the jury of the Delta Award 2011 has valued the simplicity and adaptability of the Steam Roaster designed by Compeixalaigua Designstudio and edited by Lékué, an affordable silicon bowl of 24,50€ PVP and easy to mass produce.

The Steam Roaster by Lékué is in perfect tune with contemporary cuisine. It promotes healthy food by steaming which keeps nutrients in the food. The flexibility and ergonomics of the material allow a complete adaptation to all types of food (fish, vegetables, meat or even homemade bread). And its aesthetics invite us to use it not only to cook, but also to mix, weigh, serve, bake or eat. For all of the above, the Steam Roaster has won the Gold Delta 2011 from over 66 finalists and 250 entries.

The bowl is made of platinum silicone, a fetish material of the Lékué Brand. It’s non-stick, soft and very flexible. Withstands up to 220ºC and it can go in the oven, the microwave, the dishwasher and the freezer. In fact, one of the best ways to cook with the Steam Roaster is in the oven, as the circulation of warm air which enters and leaves through the sides achieving crispy and tasty food textures.

As had already happened in 2005, when the Delica trays of the studio Zoocreative took the Golden Delta, this year it has been achieved by another ‘modest’ studio in comparison to the big names that have dominated in other editions (Enric Miralles and Benedetta Tagliabue in 2001, Lievore, Altherr, Molina in 2003, Alfredo Häberli in 2007…). Compeixalaigua Designstudio consists of Xavi Flores (Barcelona, 1975) and Ruth Pérez (Barcelona, 1977), who also form part of the platform Surtido.

In this the 34th edition of the event the jury was represented by Viviana Narotzky, Carles Guerra, Petz Scholtus, Deyan Sudjic, David Cutcliffe and Jaume Serramalera. It has valued the wide range of products presented, belonging to very diverse areas of design. The six Silver Delta prizes awarded are testimony to that plurality.

Max Barenbrug has again won a Silver Delta with the baby pram company Bugaboo. This time, he wins it along with Aernout Dijkstra-Hellinga for the model Bugaboo Donkey, an intelligent modular version. The new pram offers a wide range of solutions in the product’s life cycle; it adapts not only to the baby’s growth but also to the new family additions, transforming from mono to duo and mono again. A perfect versatility for two children (whether twins or not). In addition, it has a lateral luggage bag which is expandable and detachable and a big shopping basket.

Martín Azúa is another of the designers who repeats a Silver Delta. This year he gets it for the seat Get Up! for the studio Estudio Azúa QUE + Arteblanc, a design praised for its social contribution. It is made of hemp, a 100% natural material, in traditional craftsmanship workshops in Murcia. This novel seat stands thanks to counterweight and can adopt different positions: high stool, rocking chair or low chair.

The brand BD Barcelona also seems to collect Delta Awards. This year, its collection of stackable chairs Chair B by Konstantin Grcichas received the Silver Delta for its balance between functionality, structure and narrative. Following in the “high artesanal” footsteps of the Table B, Grcic proposes a chair both solid and light whose detail is under the seat that comes in different colours.

More about Chair B in diarioDESIGN.

The water recycling process and minimisation of daily domestic waste of the W+W by Roca, have earned it the Silver Delta Award. Designed by Gabriele and Óscar Buratti, W+W takes a giant leap in the sustainable progress coupled with good design: it merges the basin and toilet achieving a double reduction: of space and water consumption. The water of the sink fills the toilet tank.

More about W+W by Roca in diarioDESIGN.

Another Silver Delta given to the difficulty of simplicity has been for Delta Light for its compact lighting system You-Turn. As the name suggests, it can be rotated by full 360º. It has a meticulous finish, an elegant design and it is easy to install.

The sixth Silver Delta was granted to the pleasure boat Silennis S.020, designed by Igor Esnal Olasagasti for the company Silennis Boats, for being a new concept of an electric engine yacht (non-polluting and virtually silent), offering great space versatility, attention to detail and ease of access.

In the category of the audience award, the Delta Opinion Award was granted to the toilet WC Lagares In by RCR Architects for Lagares Produccions de Disseny, a piece that unites three basic building concepts: maximum hygiene, minimum water consumption and integration in any space. Through a touch sensor, the bowl opens and closes allowing a simple and hygienic operation.

More about the Delta Awards

The Delta awards of industrial design are granted by the Associació de Disseny Industrial i Foment de les Arts i el Disseny (FAD). The first ever Gold Delta was awarded to the cruet by Rafael Marquina in 1961. Since then, iconic products have gone through this competition, such us the TMC by Miguel Milá, the Citromatic by Dieter rams and Gabriel Lluelles, the Impala of Leopoldo Milá, the Copenhagen ashtray by André Ricard and the Toledo chair by Jorge Pensi.




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