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Gemma Figueras
28 julio 2014

How to make a modern design classic: the lamp Wireflow by Arik Levy for Vibia behind the scenes.

Wireflow_01_apertura 01 To rethink the tradition of chandeliers from a current perspective; to play with traslucency and the observers point of view; to achieve an almost intangible and fluid design both in 2D and 3D; to profit from LED technology in order to merge form and function; to attain an aesthetically remarkable and sculptural design with, and without light... A lamp might be able to fulfill some of these premises, but it is no easy task. To make a lamp comply with all of them makes it, in our opinion, a modern design classic. Discover the genius and inspiration Arik Levy has masterfully risked in Wireflow, his sculptural family of lamps for the Spanish brand Vibia. More about Arik Levy on diarioDESIGN. More about Vibia on diarioDESIGN.

Can a single cable become a complete family of lamps? Without a doubt, yes. The electric wire of Wireflow traces two and three-dimensional geometries that, in spite of their large size, they give the impression of transparency and lightness. And this is precisely the attribute defining the captivating graphic spirit of this luminaire produced by Vibia. Let’s know more about the intricacies of this lamp as explained by its creator.


Wireflow 04

The structure material of Wireflow, composed by black electric wire and 3W LED terminals, achieves an «apparently» contrasting effect: the lamp has a very impressive presence but at the same time is frail and ethereal within its multiple 2D and 3D dispositions.


-®ArikLevy WireFlow_drawings_2010_1According to Levy, Wireflow is the combination of «presence and absence, transparency and luminosity, light and fluidity». And where did inspiration come from? His own illustrations. «It was born out of the ambition and the utter need of taking my drawings and bring them to life with the least possible changes». To Levy, Wireflow «could be a diamond or an old chandelier, but in a very contemporary way. It adapts to a modern or a classic environment while preserving its own identity».


The name


For Levy, the name chosen for the family of lamps Wireflow is not a metaphor but a definition. «I wanted to create the feeling that the wires come from the ceiling and keep flowing and flowing and flowing… and they draw their own shapes on this way. It is just the fluency, the continuity and the perpetuity of the wire».



The designer is pretty sure that Wireflow would not be possible without the new LED technology: «LED helped us in many ways. One of them is that it allows the use of very fine wires, which we specifically developed for this lamps. LED technology does not need a great copper diameter to carry out a design like this one. This was the main issue. The second aspect is that due to the small dimensions we were working with and the quality of the light we wanted, LED allowed us to achieve that with also very fine and delicate proportions.»



Wireflow 03 (2)

This contemporary pendant lamp, rethinking the aesthetics of antique chandeliers, has already been displayed and celebrated in fairs like Euroluce 2013 (Milan), Light & Building 2014 (Frankfurt) and, more recently, at Clenkerwell (London). Wireflow has also been awarded with the Best Line Work 2013 by the prestigious Wallpaper magazine.

Technical features


There are four different Wireflow 3D or Volumetric references, providing a general lighting: octogonal (8 lights), hexagonal (6 lights), square (4 lights) and chandelier (20 lights).


The 2D o Linear references do not have glass and are more of a highlight. There are three available versions: 2, 6 and 10 lights.


Lastly, Wireflow Free Disposition series (1, 3, 6 and 9 lights) serving as general lighting.

Wireflow 03Lightsource is always LED.

Customization, the brand’s online platform, allows to experiment with different settings of the Wireflow series in a space. It facilitates the selection of size and shape as well as to modify, as wished, the length of Wireflow to achieve the design that better suits the needs of a space or project.


Watch this video and discover other possibilities:

More about Arik Levy

Artist, photographer, set designer, filmmaker… Arik Levy (Tel-Aviv, 1963) is a multidisciplinary professional and his work can be seen in prestigious museums and art galleries around the world. As a furniture designer he has collaborated with companies such as VitraZanottaCassina and Ligne Roset, among others. He’s also contributed in the area of set design for opera and contemporary dance and created a hi-tech clothing and accessories line. In 2010, he started collaborating with Vibia, creating other lamp families such as Rhythm, Fold and Sparks.

Barcelona, 72-74.
08820 El Prat de Llobregat (Barcelona – Spain)
Ph. +34 934 796 970 / 971

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