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Elena Minguela
15 abril 2014

PS 2014: the boldest Ikea collection so far, comprising up to 50 limited-edition design objects.

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Ikea has recently launched its most ambitious PS collection ever, a compilation based on the fact that currently, and for the first time in history, people are living more in the city than in the countryside, moving more often and occupying smaller places to live. And such a fact doesn’t mean of course that we don’t want a beautiful and functional home that suits our needs. In particular, as far as it doesn’t represent a huge expense.

For PS 2014, Ikea has involved a team of designers from all over the world to create 150 global home proposals. These ideas were submitted to judgement by a group of 15 design students from Copenhagen, who selected the 50 objects that best suited their needs. This is how Ikea PS 2014 was born: as an answer to modern lifestyle.

Among the designers of this new collection, there are also first-line international figures like Tomás Alonso, Matali Crasset or Mathias Hahn.

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Available in stores since 1st April, under these premises the Ikea PS 2014 collection doesn’t include core functional products such as sofas or beds. It rather consists of well-designed objects that fit in any lifestyle or space, however small it might be.

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In the words of Peter Klinkert, IKEA® PS collections’ Project Manager, «these are multifunctional designer objects that involve us in the design conversation, depending on where we place them and how we use them».

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Three of the designers chosen by Ikea should be very well-known for diarioDESIGN readers: Mathias HahnTomás Alonso and Matali Crasset. Their products stand out from the rich international selection of creative people that have participated in the collection.

German-born London-based Mathias Hahn has created for Ikea a table and a bench that fold -rather than folding- that fit both in indoors and outdoors. He is also the designer behind Marset’s Scantling lamp, among other objects.

Read more about Mathias Hahn on diarioDESIGN.

12 ikea ps 2014 mathias hahnAlso London-based but originally from Vigo, the Spanish designer Tomás Alonso has redefined the concept of a box just as a storage element, getting rid of any part that is not strictly necessary, thus achieving maximum functionality with minimum resources.

Read more about Tomás Alonso on diarioDESIGN.

13 ikea ps 2014 tomas alonsoMatali Crasset, once a disciple of Philippe Starck, is a designer with a special sensitivity and an own design language. She is behind two pieces that she has described as «open». One is an unusual closet that perfectly suits to every room, a wardrobe free from codes that can be placed anywhere. It adapts itself to any kind of home furnishing due to a camouflage kit. «It plays with what ́s hidden and what ́s revealed and it allows you to create your own design», says Crasset. The other object is of a tray with handles that celebrates the diversity of cultures and traditions.

Read more about Matali Crasset on diarioDESIGN.

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17 ikea ps 2014 18 ikea ps 2014Read more about Ikea on diarioDESIGN.

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