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18 abril 2013

#iSaloni 2013 looks outside and closes its doors with great success.

The 52nd edition of iSaloni has received a very positive outcome, placing itself to the top of the world habitat-design fairs with more than 2,500 Italian and foreign exhibitors spread along the Salone Internazionale del MobileSaloneSatellite, the biennial Euroluce and SaloneUfficio .

324.093 visitors in total, 9% more than in 2012. 285,698 industry professionals from 160 countries representing the 68% of total visitors (compared to 63% of the 2011 edition, including Euroluce and SaloneUfficio) have made possible to turn this fair as the most International in the design field..

It was very high the number of visitors from around the world, and particularly those from the Far East, USA, South America and Africa. It is also confirmed the interest in the fair of professionals from Russia and the former Soviet republics, that consolidate their participation with significant representation of operators interested in the full range of products of the fair, with a significant increase of the high-quality design. Last but not least, delegations of Chinese manufacturers and American architects were many as well.

«The Salone del Mobile is confirmed as the most important way for promoting the creative companies» said Cosmit’s President Claudio Luti. «I’ve exprienced a very positive atmosphere during these days, which shows that even in times of difficulty, the innovation, design and communication are the levers in which to invest. Companies with large investment efforts to highlight in Milan’s fair, have attracted the attention of international professionals. The numbers confirm that this fair is a platform that rewards exhibitors, offering real business opportunities with high quality operators.»

«The success of this year’s Salone del Mobile is an important sign to our companies. But do not let your guard down regarding the domestic market, we have signs of concern requiring an effective and quickly action,» said Roberto Snaidero, President of FederlegnoArredo.

Milan, April 14, 2013
Press Cosmit: Marva Griffin Wilshire

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