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UPC SCHOOL iluminación de patrimonio arquitectónico diariodesign

Mañana jueves: todo lo que necesitas saber sobre iluminación de patrimonio arquitectónico y paisaje urbano en la UPC.

Los especialistas en iluminación arquitectónica y de patrimonio histórico Miguel Ángel Rodríguez Lorite y Lara Elbaz visitan Barcelona para hablar de su experiencia como lighting designers en una nueva edición del ciclo de conferencias Open Talent de la UPC School. El evento tendrá lugar mañana jueves 17 de julio, a las 19.30h.

El mejor diseño industrial del año lámpara Trick de iGuzzini gana el Delta de Oro 2014 diariodesign

El mejor diseño industrial del año tiene ‘truco’: Trick de iGuzzini gana el Delta de Oro 2014.

El jurado de los Premios Delta de diseño industrial otorgó anoche el galardón de oro a la lámpara Trick, ideada por Dean Skira y producida por iGuzzini. Un pequeño diseño técnico genera una luz perimetral en el espacio que lo contiene; como un truco de magia, la propia arquitectura deviene el elemento de iluminación. El premio Medalla ADI de Oro para estudiantes de […]


Villa CP: Zest Architecture updates a traditional Catalan farmhouse to the 21st century.

Zest Architecture, led by Dutch architect Co Govers, has carried out the renovation of this traditional Catalan farmhouse -called masía in the area-, attempting to create a 21st century house in an old, pre-existent stone structure. Known as Villa CP, the enviable surroundings of this house located in a nature reserve of cork and oak […]


Síguenos en redes sociales

Meet the new lighting company Parachilna: luxury inspired by the Australian desert.

Parachilna is one of the last outposts of civilization. It’s a place at the edge of the Australian desert, almost removed from time and space; a place where all that remains is hope, faith and an abandoned railway line. Inspired by this timeless landscape, Parachilna is now as well a new luxury lighting brand from Spain […]


The sublime restoration of Sant Pau’s Hospital: a modernist treasure looking to the future.

After a complex restoration that started in 2009, Sant Pau’s Hospital —a city-garden inside the neighborhood of the Eixample in Barcelona and equivalent in size to nine city blocks— is once again what the modernist architect Lluís Domènech i Montaner projected between 1905 and 1930. Its original powerful architecture and ornamentation have recovered all of its […]


El Huerto de Lucas: sustainable design and organic food for this new market in Madrid by More&Co.

Located in the very heart of Madrid, this new organic food market in the neighborhood of Chueca has been designed by the architecture studio More&Co. El Huerto de Lucas —or Lucas’ orchard— is a modern farmers market in which the stands have been carefully selected, offering only 100% organic products of the highest quality.


Shortlisted products for the Delta Awards, the celebrated industrial design prizes from Spain.

The Spanish association supporting design and architecture FAD has unveiled the 53 selected projects for the 37th edition of the Delta Awards, having as a commitment to promote the recognition of those innovative industrial design products that opt for a conceptual renovation, bring environmental consciousness and at the same time are exemplary models in terms of […]


Los diseños del visionario Gino Sarfatti actualizados por Flos, en Barcelona.

El italiano Gino Sarfatti es uno de los pioneros de la iluminación moderna. En activo entre 1939 y 1973 al frente de Arteluce, Sarfatti ideó más de 600 luminarias que superaron las tipologías tradicionales e inventaron funciones inéditas. Hoy, re-iluminar a este visionario, devolver la luz a su obra, ha sido el objetivo de Flos […]


Shustov Bar: splendid massive use of barrel heads and brandy bottles by Denis Belenko.

Brandy Bar Shustov is located in Odessa, the third most important city in Ukraine with a busy commercial port just by the Black Sea. The team of Denis Belenko Design Band has been in charge of updating this bar and they did it through a project that highlights the original function of the place.


Conoce las obras seleccionadas para los Premios Delta ’14 de diseño industrial.

La asociación ADI-FAD ha hecho públicos los 53 proyectos seleccionados para la 37ª edición de los Premios Delta, que tienen como objetivo promover el reconocimiento público de aquellos productos innovadores que proponen una renovación conceptual, aportan una preocupación medioambiental y son a la vez un ejemplo de diseño y calidad de fabricación. Lee la convocatoria de los premios Delta en […]


FAD Architecture and Interior Design Awards, the shortlisted projects from Spain and Portugal.

The Spanish association for promoting design and architecture FAD will release the winners of its Architecture and Interior Design Awards on 3 July. It will be during the celebration of the design festival FADfest that will take place in Barcelona from 25 June to 10 July. These awards convened by ARQUINFAD are celebrating its 56th […]


Caro Hotel: Francesc Rifé turns an ancient palace in Valencia into a hotel and a monument all in one.

The Palace of Marqués de Caro in Valencia is a contemporary style five star hotel. Since there are many, nothing remarkable except for a slight detail: it is an authentic museum of the history of Valencia, from the times of the Roman Empire until today. And not because ancient pieces have been placed on purpose, […]


Mama Campo: a patchworklike interior design for a place devoted to organic food in Madrid.

Mama Campo is a new gastronomic initiative in Madrid that mixes three different spaces: a restaurant, a market and a zone dedicated to children. Located in the lively Olavide square, it specialises in organic food seeking to recover the original flavours of the Spanish cuisine.


Trends diarioDESIGN: The comeback of copper and brass definitely more than a fad.

Many designers and brands are recently introducing copper and brass on their latest creations. Actually, it has been one of the most highlighted trends seen during the last furniture fair in Milan.


Torres Baldasano redesign a traditional house with a superb merging of a home and a family business.

Some buildings have more lives than a cat. This one located in the exclusive neighborhood of Sarriá (Barcelona) is a clear example. First it was a family residence. Later the ground floor was turned into a lighting factory and then a shop. Now there is another business on this floor and a house on the first level. […]


Industrial yet cosy offices for the new start of the celebrated Cacaolat by Pilar Líbano.

After a complicated year for the Catalan company recently acquired by Damm and Cobega groups, Cacaolat faces a new era with optimism and enthusiasm. The new offices of Cacaolat in Barcelona, located in a former industrial building with brick walls, metallic structure and a ceiling made of exposed trusses, have been redesigned by Pilar Líbano studio and Jaume […]


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