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Búsqueda: lamp lighting

Roca Moo and Roca Bar: Omm hotel in Barcelona redesigns and expands its cuisine offer.

Moo restaurant, located in first time in the landmark hotel Omm´s hall in Barcelona, has been renovated and extended to now offer two complementary spaces to its select customers. Unfolded in Roca Moo and Roca Bar, the renowned establishment sponsored by the Roca’s brothers from Celler de Can Roca, will continue in his new stage […]


Oval restaurant by FlexoArquitectura: low cost interior design for top quality burgers.

A new restaurant interior constructed on a limited budget but nonetheless resourceful and imaginative within its programmatic and financial limitations. Oval consist of some 200 m2 situated on the ground floor of a late 19th Century building in the juncture of C. Valencia and Enric Granados in Barcelona, the left Eixample district. The area is gradually […]


The affable office: we take a look at Desigual’s new corporate headquarters.

More than 24,000 square metres, six floors, capacity to accommodate up to 1,500 people with the Mediterranean Sea for a backdrop: this is Desigual’s new corporate headquarters in Barcelona. In a structure designed by Ricardo Bofill adjacent to the W Hotel (or Vela as its known), this new building, with interior design by Turull-Sorensen architects, […]


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Delta Awards: Get to know more about the most prestigious Spanish design prizes.

Design always arises at a particular time, it’s not out of space and time. The activity of projecting and creating objects can not lack of contemporaneity. And the times we are living require of honesty, austerity, simplicity and sustainability, among many other things. This is the reason why the jury of the prestigious Delta Industrial […]


Dos años le han sido suficientes a Mattias Stenberg para convertirse en el mejor diseñador escandinavo.

El pasado día 15 de agosto tuvimos la gran oportunidad de asistir a la ceremonia de entrega del Nova Design Award de Formex 2013, que premia al joven diseñador escandinavo más prometedor del momento. El galardonado, Mattias Stenberg, lleva tan sólo dos años dedicado al diseño industrial.


Sandra Tarruella studio creates an unusual boutique butchers shop for Corella.

White tiles, a parquet floor, a workbench in full view, thick chunks of wood, hanging boxes, a bar where you can taste the goods… all these elements, or perhaps none of them concretely, suggest a butcher’s shop that prepares its products using traditional methods. Sandra Tarruella Interior Design Studio has bestowed this space with a highly contemporary […]


Anna and Eugeni Bach transform a classic Barcelonese home respecting original elements

This project is a full transformation of a residence, dating from 1910, in Barcelona’s Ensanche district. In its 100 year history, and except for one-off modernisations, it had never been altered. Despite of its poor state, the ceilings, with their magnificent roses and mouldings, the tinted cement-tile flooring and some of the original carpentry work […]


Davide Groppi ‘lights up’ the dishes of the Osteria Francescana – the world’s third-best restaurant.

In the last months, the Italian designer Davide Groppi has carried out various lighting projects for restaurants. Amongst them is the Osteria Francescana in Modena (Italy) which was just ranked the third best restaurant in the world by the British magazine ‘Restaurant.’ This experience led him to create a series of designs that, in his own words, will ‘light up a plate’. […]


Conoce a los ganadores de los Premios Lamp Lighting Solutions 2013

El pasado 13 de junio se dieron a conocer a los ganadores de la quinta edición de los Premios Lamp ‘13 que organiza Lamp Lighting. Conoce los 20 proyectos finalistas de los Premios Lamp ’13 en diarioDESIGN De los veinte finalistas de las cuatro categorías a concurso: Iluminación exterior arquitectónica, Iluminación de interiores, Iluminación urbana […]


Delta 2013 Awards: 47 products compete for Design of the Year – Vote for your favourite!

Juan Benavente, David Cutcliffe, Tito Favaro, Anita García, Clara del Portillo, Alessandro Rancati and Lluís Sallés made up the expert committee for the Delta 2013 Awards. They selected 47 entries from this edition to form part of the FADexpo – the Best Design of the Year and they will also choose the prizewinners, to be be […]


Tendencias en iluminación: lámparas estrafalarias, poéticas, melancólicas y sostenibles.

Desde la última feria Euroluce, celebrada el pasado mes de abril durante la semana del diseño de Milán, te presentamos ya algunas de las novedades que más nos sorprendieron. Hoy quisiéramos mostrarte objetos llenos de luz, pero también de poesía, de humor, de recuerdos y de mucha creatividad. Sin duda, el mundo de la iluminación es […]


Selección Premios Delta 2013: 47 productos optan al premio al mejor diseño del año.

El comité de expertos de los Premios Delta 2013, compuesto por Juan Benavente, David Cutcliffe, Tito Favaro, Anita García, Clara del Portillo, Alessandro Rancati y Lluís Sallés, escogió los 47 Seleccionados de esta edición, que formarán parte el próximo mes de junio de la exposición FADexpo El mejor diseño del año y optarán a los […]


Iluminación mágica: conoce los 20 proyectos finalistas de los Premios Lamp ’13.

El jurado de los premios Lamp’13 que organiza Lamp Lighting ha emitido por fin su veredicto, y ha elegido los veinte proyectos finalistas en las cuatro categorías a concurso: Iluminación exterior arquitectónica, Iluminación de interiores, Iluminación urbana y paisaje, y Estudiantes.


#iSaloni Novelties Catalogue 2013: Marset hits target in Euroluce.

Barcelona based company Marset takes many years hitting target with his new lighting fixtures. Their collection, has become an amalgam of different solutions that provide originality and breadth of styles, again to target with new proposals submitted in Euroluce. More about Marset in diarioDESIGN Download Marset’s app for iPhone or iPad here Scotch Club,  by […]


Top 5 semana del diseño de Milán: los clásicos se “reclasifican” y siguen en escena.

Según Mirkku Kullberg, CEO de Artek, “Los Clásicos del Diseño son iconos que son la base para que los diseñadores de todos los tiempos experimenten y creen nuevos productos. Por eso siempre están vivos.” Y en un momento donde inventar por inventar parece que ya no es válido, los Clásicos de siempre se adaptan y […]


#iSaloni 2013 Novelties Catalogue: LZF High Fidelity collection at Euroluce.

LZF presents its new 2013 “High Fidelity” collection in a specially designed tailor made format. The musical rhythms and the graphic images unite with each lamp to form a multi-sensory compilation that embodies the spirit of this year’s collection. Their presentation features an outstanding quartet made up of music, graphic design, motion graphics and products. 12 […]


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