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Mariola Montosa
21 marzo 2014

How to live and work in a 20 square meter space? Climbing, almost, through the walls.

Apartamento de Mycc (0) [1600x1200]The architecture studio Mycc defines it as «a singular urban shelter». And they are right. The solution they have provided for this 20 square meter apartment, but with one hundred cubic meter in longitudinal section, is at least original. They have taken full advantage of height to include the most number of rooms possible, to which one can access through wall staircases if necessary. «It reminds of old computer games», says the studio.

Apartamento de Mycc (1) [1600x1200]And yes, in a way it also reminds of Japanese capsule hotels, but in this case as a Spanish house version since the apartment is located in Madrid. Naturally, there is only room for one person, two at the most. Nevertheless, its inhabitants must exude dynamism and creativity to get used to such a space significantly marked by the different levels.

Apartamento de Mycc (2) [1600x1200]The Madrid-based studio Mycc was inspired by those light frameworks at different levels which are accessed almost by jumping from one to another. In this case through different type of staircases and wall mounted ladders. As a result, rooms are fully defined between each other but at the same time they are visually connected, including the bathroom.

Apartamento de Mycc (3) [1600x1200]«Climbing up to the kitchen or going down to the bedroom gives a deep sensation of change and a different perception of the place, either of the individual spaces or of the house as a whole», explains the studio.

Apartamento de Mycc (4) [1600x1200]Despite the tiny dimensions of the house, it seeks to be generous with each space and the amount of rooms it offers, they add.

Apartamento de Mycc (5) [1600x1200]However, none of the spaces has a clearly defined use. So, the kitchen is a step between the access to the house and the living room.

Apartamento de Mycc (6) [1600x1200]Which at the same time becomes a central room that works as a seat and has a storage space under the flooring.

Apartamento de Mycc (7) [1600x1200]From the living room, one can go down to the bedroom or climb to the studio/chillout/interior terrace using an industrial wall mounted ladder. The bathroom can also be accessed from here, located at an inferior level and provided with a bespoke bathtub.

Apartamento de Mycc (8) [1600x1200]

White dominates the whole space, spreading luminosity and the feeling of roominess. Materials and finishing touches are simple, contributing to the lightness breathed in the atmosphere.

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Fotografías: Elena Almagro

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