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Tachy Mora
18 septiembre 2013


YellowBook; or why Sancal is one of the most interesting furniture companies in Europe today.

SANCAL The Murcia-based company Sancal has just launched its latest catalogue - YellowBook. Inside, it pays homage to all the design professionals they have collaborated with over the years.  
SANCALAn interesting line-up that ranges from esteemed international names to young, on-the-rise Spanish studios. Some, such as Quim Larrea, Ximo Roca, Toyo Ito and the A-cero Studio are widely well-known. Others belong to the in-house design team, as Rafa García who has been for many years now behind the great sofas the firm has launched recently. But the most risky of all are the young designers Sancal has taken a chance on, such as Odosdesign, Yonoh, Nadadora and José Manuel Ferrero.


A-ceroAntonio SaturninoDaniel Abate, Doblegé, Dual Design, Ebualà, Enrique MartíEstudihac-JmferreroEstudio ArqueaFlorián MorenoKarim RashidGemma BernalJavier Peña, José Antonio Saura, José Miguel Andrés, Juan Ibáñez, La CubiteraLuis Eslava StudioMiguel MiláNachachtNadadoraOdosdesignQuim LarreaRafa GarcíaRicard Ferrer, Serra&Dela Rocha, Sigla, Toyo ItoXimo RocaYolanda Herraiz and estudio Yonoh. All these names make up a diverse mix of approaches that have contributed to forming a coherent style catalogue for Sancal.



Founded in the early nineteen-seventies by Santiago Castaño Carpena, Sancal has taken a new turn over the past years to become one of the most interesting furniture companies in Spain. Changes started to happen in 2007, when the second generation joined the business. First came Esther Castaño López – the eldest daughter of Santiago – and more recently Elena, the youngest. Maybe this is where Sancal’s new warm and feminine touch comes from.


On top, Sancal has just opened El Garaje – a new showroom in Madrid (26 San Romualdo street) – an interesting and disconcerting space on the 7th floor of an old car park. Without doubt, Sancal is a company to watch.


More about Sancal in diarioDESIGN.

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