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Gracia Cardona
15 julio 2011

ARQUINFAD dixit: The projects worthy of the FAD Award for Architecture and Interior Design 2011.

At the culmination of FADfest, the three weeks that have inundated Barcelona with design and creativity, last night were announced the most anticipated awards: the FAD for Architecture and Interior Design. Considered the most prestigious awards in the Iberian Peninsula (Spain & Portugal), this year marked the 53rd edition of the Awards, organised by ARQUIN-FAD.

This year the jury included the architect Benedetta Tagliabue (chairman), and the members Eugeni Bach (architect), Bet Capdeferro (architect), Edgar González (architect), Daniela Hartmann (interior designer), Imma Jansana (architect), Santiago Loperena (technical architect) and José Mateus (architect).

Although yesterday we broadcasted live on twitter and Facebook the names of the winners, now you can see them in photos:

Hotel and Restaurant Atrio in Caceres, by Emilio Tuñón and Luis Mansilla, FAD Award for Architecture 2011 (ex aequo)

Photographs by Luis Asin

According to the jury, the Project deserves the award because (it is): “An evocative reinterpretation of the traditional spatial structure of the city houses gives the project perceptive richness and allows it to establish a simple and wise relationship with the climate. The intensity devoted to the design of every spatial sequence is palpable, and its atmosphere remains imprinted in the memory»

Two Houses in Santa Isabel (Lisbon), by Ricardo Bak Gordon, FAD Award of Architecture 2011 (ex aequo)

Photographs by Fernando Guerra

This project is worthy of the award because according to the jury (it is): ”…the re-reading of an inner downtown block, formerly occupied by industrial workshops and as a housing space revitalises the entire environment. The strategic setting of the patios gives a high degree of privacy to the house and brings to the neighbouring buildings the intrinsic spatial values of the void space. An answer clear, sensitive and caring in a location where the stage and the audience stalls are reversed».

Building Media-tic (Barcelona), by Enric Ruiz Geli, Mention in Architecture 2011

Photograph Luis Ros

Photograph Enric Ruiz Geli

Photograph José Miguel Hernández

Photograph Iwan Baan

According to the jury, the project gets a mention as: “…the current need to expand the fields of work of the architect and a strong commitment to technological innovation that promotes industrial research».

Antoni Tàpies Foundation (Barcelona), by Iñaki Ábalos, FAD Award of Interior Design 2011

Photographs by José Hevia

According to the jury, this project deserves the award because: “…the deep structural and volumetric reform of a valued heritage building. A new set of needs leads to a spacious interior space, open plan, with an excellent treatment of natural light, allowing a new functional organisation whilst preserving the memory of the place”.

Park of les Aigües de les Hortes of Vilabertran, in Figueres (Girona), by Michèle Orliacq and Miquel Batlle, FAD Award of City and Landscape 2011

Photographs by Lourdes Jansana

According to the jury, this project deserves the award due to: “…the decision to reformulate the existing planning based on landscape conditions, recognised and supported by the Administration, generates an urban and landscape proposal where the park is understood as an opportunity to recover old agricultural structures and linking it to the particularities of the territory».

Home for a nomadic collector, by Martín Lejarraga and Ana Martínez Martínez, FAD Award of Temporary Interventions 2011

Photographs by David Frutos

According to the jury, the project is worthy of the award as: “…an intelligent strategy of re-utilisation and de-contextualisation capable of transporting us to the world of the other. A small project that oozes humour, optimism, adaptability and an evocative and increasingly necessary, lack of prejudice.”

The jury highlighted in the report that “the Iberian peninsula is a space of very high architectural competition, which is reflected in the number and excellence of the selected projects, that respond to a wide spectrum of issues, circumstances, contexts and situations».

A total of 498 works have been put forward for the FAD Awards for Architecture and Interior Design. The territorial scope of the FAD Awards is the Iberian Peninsula, although almost 95% of the works are located in Spanish territory. Catalonia is still the community with more presence, with 53% of entries.

FAD Award for Thought and Criticism

Granted in May, today they also collect their award. The winners of the FAD Award for Thought and Criticism 2011 (ex aequo) for the Exhibition Catalogue of Laboratoria Gran Via (Editor: Telefónica Foundation, Curator: Iñaki Ábalos), and for Collective Architectures, Arquitecturas Colectivas: Camiones, Contenedores, Colectivos, Recetas Urbana (Group Architecture: Trucks, Containers, Buses and Urban Recipes) (Editor: Ediciones VIB{ }K – Paula Álvarez, Authors: Santiago Cirugeda Parejo, Saskia Sassen, David G. Torres, Ramon Parramon Arimany, Judith Albors Casanova, José María Galán Conde, Paula V. Álvarez Benítez, Recetas Urbanas, Todo por la Praxis, Caldodecultivo, LaFundició, Alg-a, Straddle3, la Alien Nación, Proyecto aSILO).

The jury of  the 2011 edition of the Award of Thought and Criticism, consisting of Manuel Gausa, Pablo Solà-Morales y Javier Mozas.

More information in

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