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2 septiembre 2013

Papila collective by Alberto Arza, food design for the experience of eating.

Papila is a platform created by the designer Alberto Arza that investigates new ways of enjoying the experience of eating. Designers collaborate with famous chefs to create products and make advances in the realm of food design. Some of these creations use edible substances as the principal material - a completely different approach in the world of design.

Sugarstick by Alberto Arza

A lolly-pop made of sugar that soaks up the flavour of whatever it is dipped in.

Dipit by Berta Riera

A biscuit with an extended point so you don’t get your fingers wet when ‘dunking’.

Teabath by Jungyou Choi

A teabag with a boat-shaped handle that ‘floats’ in the cup.

Breadbritte by Proyecta

A piece of bread in the from of a sponge, for ‘soaking up’ the sauce till the plate’s clean!

Chocolate jewels by Guillem Ferran

Bon-bons in the shape of precious stones. More about Guillem Ferran in diarioDESIGN.

Candy vegetables by Mr. Simon

How to make vegetables attractive to children – style them in the shape of sweets.

Chocolate souvenir by Alberto Arza

Chocolate souvenirs to take to friends and family back home.

Butter candle by Alberto Arza

Candle made of butter. When lit, the butter softens to a spreadable consistency and adds elegance to the table.

Solid Coffee by Alberto Arza

Solid coffee – a new concept that lets you have a java jolt whenever you like.

As well as the above, Papila has carried out projects developed in workshops that investigate new processes and ways of interacting with food substances. These are:

Citrus spray

By teaming up designers Alberto Arza and Joan Rojeski, Papila created the Citrus Spray for Lékué – a juicer-spray for citrus fruits that we have already covered in diarioDESIGN.


This enormous table and shelving unit is conceived for team research and working in large groups.

More about Alberto Arza in diarioDESIGN

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