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Arantza Álvarez
11 septiembre 2013

Casa Paz y Comedias – A home made of red stone extracted from the mountainside.

The Valencian architect Ramón Esteve is behind a home situated near Puerto de Sagunto (Valencia). With the aim of completely integrating the work into its environment, he has used a round red stone extracted locally to construct large containing walls that run from an elevation to the residence, then onto form the outline of the home's main areas.
© Christoph Kicherer for Bulthaup

© Ramón Esteve

In this way, the home is rooted to the terrain and acquires a tectonic character that fuses it to the landscape. The walls are parallel to each other as well as perpendicular to and graded to the landscape. They form the layout and define circulation within residence.

© Ramón Esteve

© Ramón Esteve

These spaces are closed with glass floor to ceiling doors, permitting total transparency and visual communication with the exterior.

© Christoph Kicherer for Bulthaup

On one side, the home looks onto the valley and sea.

© Ramón Esteve

© Ramón Esteve

In the bedroom, a balcony is hung from a great height, permitting a floating sensation and panoramic views.

© Christoph Kicherer for Bulthaup

© Ramón Esteve

© Ramón Esteve

On the other side, an enclosed, intimate exterior space separates the home from the mountain. It also connects the pre-existing home with the extension and serves as an entrance to the owner’s art collection. Beyond it, and in contrast to the wide vistas of the valley, are the home’s most private ambiances.

Casa Ramon Esteve

© Christoph Kicherer for Bulthaup

The height and width of the interior spaces, together with the spacious glass openings on the exterior, create a sensation of an exterior and interior without divisions.

© Christoph Kicherer for Bulthaup

© Ramón Esteve

© Ramón Esteve

The fluid connection between the various ambiances heightens continuity, a sense that is further strengthened by the minimal number of materials used in the work.

© Ramón Esteve

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